Holistic Healings

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

When to let go

It's hard to know when to let something go and when to fight for it. If something is difficult to obtain (my new office for example), do you let it go (the "Let go and let God" theory) or work harder to get it (the "God helps those who help themselves" theory). 6 1/2 weeks ago I signed a Letter of Intent with my would-be landlord. Today I got the lease and much of it had nothing to do with what we had agreed on. After this long a time period, I was beginning to wonder if this was right. This morning I decided that I indeed wanted the place. 10 minutes later my real estate broker called and said we had the lease in hand. Ah serendipity. Then, when reading the lease, it had things in there like: utilities were only included Monday - Friday 10-5 and Saturday 10-3. I guess if I have a client on Sunday, we're out of luck with the heat! So if it's meant to be then I will be working things through. If not, hopefully I will know when it's time to give up the ghost. I will keep you posted!


  1. So readers, tell me how YOU know when it's time to fight or give up? Tell me your stories!

  2. I'm a great believer in serendipity - still, you must bring a certain amount of preparation to the table, before "letting go". I worked really hard to get into nursing school - against a lot of odds (age, finances, time constraints, academic pre-requisites, family commitments). Many times, I was ready to give up, but kept plugging away. Once finished I got a really great job that I loved. Guess I fall into the "GHTWHT" camp.

  3. When I first started out my Dad said to me, ”There are a lot of blind alleys in business, do your best and never give up.” I have lived my life with that kind of passion. It has taken real courage to keep going at times when I have had no idea how things were going to work out. When things simply were not going my way. When my best efforts seemed to make no difference. I have asked myself many times “am I crazy….. or what?”
    Our word for courage comes from the French word “coeur” which means heart. Courage means to follow your heart. Have you ever followed your heart? I have. I bet you have too. It’s one of the most risky things one can do and one of the most rewarding. Even if it does not work out the way you planned you know in your heart of hearts that you gave it your best and you have no regrets. My sense of you is that you are a person of real courage. And I believe you have the stuff to succeed in time. (Kairos time)
    Joey I also sense is that alternative medicine (Healing Touch, etc.) is your life’s work your vocation. And that you have answered a calling to the Sacred Feminine. You are following in the footsteps of the 5th century Saint Bridget of Ireland and Hildegard von Bingen of the 11th. I believe it is as sacred a calling as holy orders. As a man I really don’t completely understand the sacred feminine, but I know it when I see it. It is a commendable and honorable calling… worthy of your life’s best efforts.


    Neil Phipps

  4. Follow-up to that office: There were more and more road blocks and finally the writing on the wall was clear-give up! I will hopefully sign a new lease with a new landlord in Northbrook

  5. and Thank you neil for your lovely comments!
