Holistic Healings

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Eating while cooking

Eating while making dinner. I never really thought about it before. After several clients complained that that was a hard time for them, I started watching my own habits. I was always proud of the fact that I eat smaller portions at dinner. Well of course I do... I eat while I'm "tasting for seasonings". By the time we sit down, I have probably already consumed at least half a meal! I had no idea how much I ate while cooking. Chop a carrot, eat half. Needs some salt ... taste it 3 or 4 times, just to make sure ...what... that it tastes good everywhere in the pot? Browning the meat...better make sure it's done. Need to taste the soup...grab the serving spoon. Don't even get me started on holiday meals. What percentage of stuffing do you think actually makes it into the bird?

So what's a cook to do?
Chewing gum is a good way to keep your mouth busy. Check out the article on WEBMD http://bit.ly/aQEofx that talks about sugarless gum and dieting. That can be a great deterrent. It keeps your mouth busy and having to take the gum out every time you want to nibble is a pain. However, if you are a serious cook, and do need to taste frequently, the gum could interfere with your palate. Fortunately, most of us do not fall into the category. You can also chop up some veggies into cute little bite size pieces. It's healthy, and it keeps us from mindlessly eating the other stuff. Tasting - one bite/sip is enough. When you use a spoon, make it a teaspoon - not the ladle. Keep a glass of water by the stove. Drinking water is a great way to keep from nibbling and it cleanses your palate so when you do taste, it will be fresh.

So keep an eye on how much you eat while cooking and keep some healthy alternatives around.
And if you would rather not change your cooking style, then make your portion size at dinner smaller. Eat healthy and happy!

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